I first made a Roulette ‘game’ (Roul75) in 2016 using BorlandC. Got interested in Roulette after coming across a spread-sheet published by a German Casino, it listed a series of over a million Roulette ’round’ results in the original order. Can’t verify this now as the website has vanished, and how such a list even existed is a mystery, as it would take years to authentically record such a long series of numbers.

Roul75 – Dragon

I also made a BorlandC program that analyses the 1,036,000 results in the spread-sheet and prints instances of consecutive repeat bet wins. See Fig 2 and notice how during the whole long series of results, ‘Dernière douzaine’ (yellow) printed a series of 14 repeat wins approximately 1.2 times in every 1,000 rounds, but only one series of 36 repeat wins in the whole 1,036,000 series.

Fig. 2

Apparently each Roulette wheel is not perfectly balanced and slight flaws in the construction or bearing may cause hidden individual ‘fingerprints’, that can be noticed in a long series of ‘ball in pocket’ results.

European Roulette tables have two main betting areas, the familiar rectangle pattern of 36 numbers and Zero, with areas for 1st Dozen, Black, Odd and so on, also a second main betting area is normally available (but not always), which is laid out in a ‘race-track’ pattern with numbers ordered as on an actual European Roulette wheel.

The ‘Racetrack’ bet zone

‘Call bets’ can be placed in the ‘racetrack’ area and include Voisins du Zero, Jeu Zero, Orphelins, Tiers du Cylindre. A combination of Voisins du Zero and Jeu Zero is interesting, as the bets can be placed easily, and will cover 17 numbers (almost a wheel half slice) that include numbers 22 through to 25 on the actual wheel. A win on 3, 26 or 0 provides a good return, 26 being the best with a payout of about 30 times the total bet. Another advantage of combining Voisins du Zero and Jeu Zero, is if any of the 17 covered numbers wins, the whole bet is largely returned. All the bet is recouped for 10 of the covered numbers, half for the other 7.

Voisins du Zero
Jeu Zero

In the Roul75 program, ‘racetrack call bets’ included are: ‘Bet G’ – chips on Voisins du Zero and Jeu Zero, ‘Bet C’ – chips on Orphelins and Tiers du Cylindre, ‘Bet H’ – chips on 26 through to 6 inclusive, ‘Bet J’ – chips on 27 through to 33 inclusive, ‘Bet K’ – chips on 1 through to 3 inclusive.




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