
As spate of tragedies hit football

26 Dec, 2021

Sofiane Loukar died during a match in his homeland. © Twitter

Algerian footballer Sofiane Loukar has died after collapsing while captaining his team Mouloudia Saida in a second division match on Saturday.

Loukar is said to have collided with his own goalkeeper in the 26th minute of the Algerian Ligue 2 meeting with rivals ASM Oran.

After receiving treatment the player was cleared to return to the pitch, only to collapse suddenly around 10 minutes later.

According to Reuters, citing local media, Loukar was attended to at the scene and then rushed to hospital but died of a heart attack on the way.

Other reports have indicated that the cause of death has not been determined. 

The Algeria Press Service indicated that Loukar was 28 at the time of his death, although elsewhere he has been listed as age 30. 

Adding to the tragedy, the footballer is said to have married just one week before Saturday’s fatal incident.

Footage shared by UAE news outlet Gulf Today purported to show Loukar’s grief-stricken teammates after they discovered the news that he had passed away. 

Other clips circulating online apparently showed the desperate efforts to revive him.

Tributes poured in for Loukar, including from French star Franck Ribery.

The tragedy comes after young Croatian footballer Marin Cacic died three days after being placed into a coma following a sudden collapse during training with his team NK Nehaj Sinj.

Cacic’s club confirmed his passing at the age of just 23 in a touching message on social media on Christmas Eve. 

Croatian footballer Marin Cacic has tragically died three days after being placed into a coma following his sudden collapse at training with his side NK Nehaj Sinj. pic.twitter.com/nZnezYkoyY

— Lepara (@Diski_Sauron) December 24, 2021

In another tragedy to rock football, Omani footballer Mukhaled Al-Raqadi died at the age of 29 on Wednesday after collapsing during the warm-up for a top-flight match for Muscat in his homeland.

Local reports indicated that the cause was a heart attack, with Muscat and the Oman Football Association paying tribute on social media.

Muscat Player Mukhaled Al-Raqadi Passes Away..#Oman Muscat FC player Mukhaled Al-Raqadi died after being taken to hospital after falling while warming up before the start of his team’s match with Al-Suwaiq FC today in the 6th round of the Omantel Football League. pic.twitter.com/TdEKk3fElU

— Ayman Mat News (@AymanMatNews) December 22, 2021

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